How to get your NIE?

How to get your NIE?
But first of all, what is the NIE?
The NIE is the identification number for foreigners . This means that it is attributed to all people who do not have Spanish nationality.
Conversely, a Spanish person has a DNI
It is undoubtedly the first thing to do if you decide to come and live in Spain, but also if you want to buy a property there, open a bank account, subscribe to a mobile plan, work or even have the right social security.
A real obstacle course for those who want to get it by themselves, but it's over!
Invest For Home guides you, step by step, to obtain the famous sesame.
Let's not waste any more time!
- Visit this site
- Select your province, then click on ACEPTAR
- Then, in the suggestion bar in front of: TRAMITES CUERPO NACIONAL DE POLICIA , select: POLICIA - ASIGNACION DE NIE , then click on ACEPTAR
At this time, we give you all the documents to present during your meeting, let's explain them;
1. Proof of appointment (You will receive it later, by email)
2. The EX-15 document (To download here) , it must be completed and in 2 copies
3. Your identity card if you are from the European Union, or your passport otherwise: original + copy
4. Specify the reason for the NIE request (4.2 in the Ex-15 form) . For example, if it is for the purpose of buying a property in Spain, check POR INTERES ECONOMICOS
5. Tasa Modelo 790: Download here
You will then have to go to a bank by presenting this completed form, and pay a tax which will cost you 9.64 €.
Now that you know the documents to present during your meeting, click on ENTRAR
- On this page, fill in the information about yourself
Tipo de documento: PASAPORTE corresponds to the number of your passport OR your identity card
Then click on ACEPTAR - On the next page, click on SOLICITAR CITA . There, you will be asked to choose the office in which you want to have your meeting, then go to the next page
- Here, enter your email address and your phone number, then ACEPTAR
- Choose the meeting time among the time slots offered
- Confirm the information entered, you will receive a confirmation by SMS
And There you go! All you have to do is come to your appointment!
Another possible alternative:
A legal aid office can take care of all these steps for you, it is also possible to do all these steps from the Spanish consulate in your country of residence.
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